
Source Engine Fork By Alex Free

Improvements over the original include:

Homepage Github


MacPorts Dependencies

sudo port -N install libsdl2 freetype fontconfig pkgconfig libopus libpng libedit libjpeg-turbo curl

Homebrew Dependencies

brew install sdl2 freetype2 fontconfig pkg-config opus libpng libedit


1) Clone my fork recursively:

git clone --recursive

2) Change into the source-engine directory:

cd source-engine

3) Configure the build. You can pass --prefix=/somedirectory and have it install there later. I choose /Users/alex/half-life-2:

python3 ./waf configure -T release --prefix=/Users/alex/half-life-2

Note: The official wiki states “If you need a 64 bit build add -8 or –64bits argument to WAF.” but this is outdated and in fact if you do this waf will give you an error in the official repo and my fork.

4) Build:

python3 ./waf build.

5) Install it:

python3 waf install