
Tonyhax International GameShark Generator (THIGSGEN)

By Alex Free

Tonyhax International now has the ability to apply user-supplied GameShark codes to any game before starting it. This uses my save game GameShark storage system as well as MottZilla’s ‘Cheat Engine’, the latter of which has only previously been put to use by Tonyhax International’s built-in anti-piracy bypass system. THIGSGEN is the program that generate PS1 memory card save files containing GameShark codes.

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Version 2.0.5 (3/8/2025)



THIGSGEN Parasite Eve Debug Room Gen

thigsgen <txt file of game shark codes>

<txt file of game shark codes> This should have each GameShark code on it's own line. No blank lines may seperate each code.

There are 2 ways you can interact with the patcher:

Drag n’ Drop (Windows And Linux)

On Windows and most Linux distributions, you can simply drag the txt file of game shark codes on top of the thigsgen.exe (Windows releases) or thigsgen (linux releases) executable file found in the portable releases and drop it to start thigsgen with said file as the first argument.

Traditional CLI (Windows)

1) Open cmd.exe (Windows XP+) or (Windows 95 - ME).

2) Drag thigsgen.exe into the window.

2) Type a space in the or cmd.exe window.

4) Drag the txt file of game shark codes into the or cmd.exe window to specify it as an argument, i.e. leaving you with thigsgen.exe <txt file of game shark codes>.

5) Press the return/enter key.

Traditional CLI (Linux/Mac)

1) Start the terminal.

2) If you have installed the RPM or DEB package file on Linux, you may simply type thigsgen into the Terminal window. Otherwise drag thigsgen from the extracted release into the terminal window.

3) Type a space in the terminal window.

4) Drag the txt file of game shark codes into the terminal window to specify it as an argument, i.e. leaving you with thigsgen <txt file of game shark codes>.

5) Press the return/enter key.

Additional Info

Copying The Generated Save File To A PS1 Memory Card

You can use a PS2 console to copy the save files to a PS1 memory card from a USB flash drive.


Installation With A PS2:

Using Generated Save Files With Tonyhax International

1) Insert the memory card in your PSX console. Start Tonyhax International loader.

2) When you see the text Press CIRCLE to load GameShark codes from a memory card in the Tonyhax International loader, press the circle button on your controller. You will then see the text Memory card init... and the controls for selecting the memory card slot your memory card is inserted into will be displayed.

3) Press triangle to abort loading any codes and to get back to the main menu of the Tonyhax International loader. Press cross to specify the memory card is in slot 1. Press circle to specify slot 2. You will then see the text Select save file name for memory card in slot 1 (if you picked slot 1) or Select save file name for memory card in slot 2 (if you picked slot 2).

4) At the bottom of the screen, you will see the current save file name selection (by default it is bu00:TONYHAXINTGS0 for slot 1 or bu10:TONYHAXINTGS0 for slot 2). Press the triangle button to increase the file name’s number (so each time you press triangle, the selection goes from i.e. for slot 1 you go from bu00:TONYHAXINTGS0 to bu00:TONYHAXINTGS1, to bu00:TONYHAXINTGS2, etc. all the way up to bu00:TONYHAXINTGS14). To decrease the file name’s number press the cross button (so each time you press cross, the selection goes from i.e. for slot 2 from bu10:TONYHAXINTGS14 to bu10:TONYHAXINTGS13, to bu10:TONYHAXINTGS12, etc. all the way down to bu10:TONYHAXINTGS0).

7) When the selection is correct, press the circle button to confirm it and load that save file. You will then see X code lines detected (where X is the number of code lines that were found in the save file selected previously). Please note that this can be more then the amount of lines in the txt file used to generate the save file due to how GameShark codes work.

8) Boot your game as normal, and most importantly enjoy the GameShark codes.

YouTube Videos

Here’s some awesome vids by my friend JMaxxl: