
PlayStation Disc Burner (PSDB) : Patch + Burn PS2 And PS1 Discs On Linux

by Alex Free

This is an open source tool kit that allows you to burn PS2 and PS1 backup discs on Linux, with the option of patching the disc image in various ways:

Additional features:

GitHub Homepage PSX-Place Thread GBATemp Thread

Table Of Contents


v1.0.2 (7/26/2024)


Previous versions


PSDB requires 1 argument.


psdb <input file>

<input file> A file ending in .iso, .ISO, .cue, .CUE, .BIN, or .bin (or a compressed archive containing said files)

1) Download and unzip the latest release.

2) Execute psdb with one argument, the input file.

./psdb <input file>

You can also drag and drop a disc image onto the ps2db file in the release if your Linux desktop environment supports it. Otherwise you can drag psdb into your terminal and then the input file into your terminal and press return.

<input file> can be:

3) Enter option number for desired feature. PSDB will detect what type of file the disc image is and present you with options for either CD-Rs or DVD-Rs depending on the disc image.





Note: You will be prompted for root privileges when the burning program is executed in order to prevent buffer under-runs during burning which would result in a coaster. Root privileges also ensure that the burning program can access your burner hardware successfully.


PSDB itself is released into the public domain, see the file licenses/

PSDB makes use of the following programs listed below, which have their own licenses/terms: